Saturday 15 November 2008

looney tunes....

Another mad man moment on the canal this morning, while cycling along the canal towpath by Ware i was approached by reasonably normal looking bloke the conversation when as follows.

Man:- have you got your flask with you
Me:- I'm sorry my flask?
Man:- mine was stolen by Agatha Christie
Me:- what the author
Man:- no the lead singer of the German band, you know the one
Me:- OK
Man:- he looks a bit like you, he's dead now
Me:- (time to go me thinks, tried to cycle off)
Man:- can you cook??
Me:- (as I'm cycling off) my spaghetti bolognese isn't to bad
Man:- you shouldn't eat that it got puffins in it

He still shouting things at me as i was cycling off, something about not jumping into a canal because of the ice bergs.....

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