Sunday 12 July 2009

Armchair athlete

Saturday i took a quick drive up to Hull to see Rab at the 24hr track race, he was on good form but even the lap counter couldn't help but notice that their was more walking/talking than running :-) but true to form he was still going 24hr later.....Sunday Jo was due to start her Arch to Arc challenge but the good old British weather has delayed the start until the weather is good enough for the channel swim section, fingers crossed for some better weather later this week.
As for me it's been a bit of a slack week, managed 3 x 10 milers and a couple of short walks, hopefully things will settle down later this week and i can get back to either running or cycling to/from work.

Saturday 4 July 2009

A bit of a mixture.....

Over the last couple of weeks i have continued to cycle to and from work, I've done a couple of shortish runs which have been hard work, I've done a couple of longish walks and some unicycling so a bit of mixture really....I've not unicycled for a few years now and it is certainly utilizing some muscles that don't get used too often, you can certainly feel it in the legs the following day!!