Sunday 20 February 2011

consistency is the name of the game

and I'm consistently all over the shop, one week i run 33 miles in 4hr 31min and then next weekend i struggle to run 8 miles, during the week i ran 4 x 10 miles without any problems and the following week i struggled with 4 x 4miles, it's not over training I'm taking plenty of rest days, the Comrades schedule I've put together has rest days on Mondays and Fridays, and if I've done a proper long run on the Saturday I'll take the Sunday as a rest day as well.
I'm going to try changing what i eat, before Christmas i went all healthy and cut out all rubbish lost 1st in weight and ultimately i think this caused me to fail at the Beacons ultra because i started the race low on energy and used up what i had left with quite dramatic results, so the plan is to cut out the rubbish but make sure i get 2 healthy meals a day and see if i has any effect failing that it will have to be a trip to the doc's to see if he has any suggestions on my fluctuating energy levels.

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