Monday, 30 May 2011

A day of ups and downs

yep i was back in Durban for the Comrades marathon (why is it called a marathon when its 55+ plus miles) this year was the uphill version from Durban to Pietermaritzburg

I seem to remember that last year’s downhill run was basically 57 miles of running downhill (which is not as easy as you would think) which meant that this year’s uphill version would be 57 miles of running up hill which would be hard work, but as it turned out it seemed to be a lot easier (and shorter at only 56 miles) which goes with general opinion about the different versions, uphill tiring but easy(ish) on the legs, downhill not so tiring but your legs (quads) are trashed at the finish.

Losing my cap in the melee at the start was not good and my head suffered in the hot sun during the day fortunately i had my sun glasses in my bum bag, pouring water over my head at most checkpoints saved me from any real trouble...

It was a day of pain, from the start my right hip was hurting but after about 20 miles that disappeared to be replaced by my problematic right shin which was suffering on the up hills (but fine on the downs) after about another 10 miles this also disappeared to be replaced by pain in both IT bands for the last 20+ miles.

As always there was great support along the route from beginning to end and running through the park to the stadium finish was pretty special, i felt good at the finish and not particularly tired but it was a great to stop and sit down and get some relief from my sore knees...

Comrades is such a good race and my best running experience to date, but I’ve done both the down and uphill versions now so it’s time to move on and do something different, but I’m pretty sure that i will be back at some point.....

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