Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Hey Fatty.......

This is the best part of the training!!!.

I need to bulk up a little to compensate for the weight i will undoubtedly lose while in the arctic (During my run across the Sahara i lost 5kg's) also the extra weight helps to keep you warm, unfortunately this doesn't mean eating chocolate cake for breakfast/lunch/diner (oh heaven) but just eating reasonably healthily just loads of it, my current favorite is the Sainsbury pasta meals for a family of four which i quite comfortably eat by myself!!, oh and snacking on organic carrots.....

The result is a weight increase of 3kg, from 82kg to 85kg

If you use the common calulation for obeseity of weight (kg)/height2 (m) it means that i am officially overweight which should ring some alarms bells for some of my friends (you know who you are)

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