06:00am start today, the aim was 8 hours solid walking covering 32 miles.
The early start was required so that i was back in time for the rugby (go johnny go), bit of a cold/sore throat thing going on but once i got going all was OK, the first hour was dark enough for my head torch (don't want to be falling in the canal this time of year) it was great to watch the sun come up shame it did little to raise the temp which was frosty to say the least, and i must say the birds put on a great dawn chorus
Everything looking good, about 12 miles out start to get a bit of a sore foot, must have something in my shoe, well it was the complete opposite it was what was missing that was the problem, i had forgotten to put the innersoles back in after i had washed them, this could turn out to be quite painful mistake.
Well i completed the 32 miles in 8 hours, but i did get 2 large blisters on my heals which are going to take a few days to settle down, very annoying, felt quite rough when i got back, quite feverish so watched the rugby at home and eat a big pizza...
Moral of the story, if you do get up at 05:00 in the morning to walk 32 miles check you innersoles before you set off!!!
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