Sunday, 28 January 2007

Messing about on the river

With a start point of Waltham Abbey this week i have done 52 miles of the River Lea

On Thursday i walked north up the River lea to the other side of Ware, 13 miles out and 13 miles (obviously) back again, the path itself is excellent, and apart from the industrial area around Broxbourne it is countryside all the way, plenty of ducks, swans, herons etc. and being along the river it has the added bonus of being flat.....

On Sunday i yomped (run/walk) south down the river toward the city, its industrial all the way, and to be honest in places it stinks, for whatever reason this morning was hard, my legs wern't interested in running or walking today, it was cold, windy, and although i have mentioned it already it stank.

So if you ever find yourself in Waltham Abbey and fancy walking a bit of the River Lea, take my advise and go north, if only for the sake of your nose...

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