Wednesday, 20 December 2006

Its always the things you can't see

Still not 100% after the stomach bug so decided to do a couple of hours on the bike round Epping Forest, it was so cold, in fact bitterly cold, one of those days when ice had formed on the fingers of your gloves and you have a light coating of frost on the front of your legs and your eyebrows...

I was too busy starring at the quite spectacular frost formations on the tree's in High Beech to notice the very very shinny road surface ahead of me, the next thing i know I'm flat on my back in the middle of the road, the whole road was covered in an invisible coat of black ice.

The outcome is that i don't seem to have hurt any arms or legs, but i have jarred my back, once up and moving its not to bad, but getting in and out of the chair is a little sore.

Looks like a few more days of inactivity and ensure my back is OK, which is probably not a bad thing as it will also ensure I'm fully rid of the stomach virus.

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