Sunday, 20 November 2011

plenty of fuel in the tank....

Beacons ultra time again and after last years unexpected DNF this had to be finished and finished in style, the race actually gets in the way of a bloody good weekend catching up with old and new friends but this weekend was all about finishing....

Training has been good since my 100 miles at Glenmore but I've been having problems with my pelvis and achilles but as is the way sometimes neither caused any grief during the race.
Had a complete rethink on the nutrition front, change from bread and banana and all sorts of other rubbish for breakfast to peronin which is basically liquid food for ultra runners this worked really well, and then during the race i planned what i was going to eat and when, i had a number of protein bars (coconut and almond honey stinger bars) , energy jelly (pomegranate honey stinger energy chews) and normal gels (various flavors of GU) washed down with lots of plain water, I've been doing this ultra running lark for a few years now and this is the first time sadly i have actually really thought about nutrition, normally i try to get by on a few chocolate biscuits and a sausage roll, the change meant that my energy levels stayed constant for the duration of the race stopping the yoyo effect i normally experience.

The result of all this was that i trotted round the 46 miles in a very comfortable 9hrs 15mins, i never really pushed and felt good for the whole race....